All his worldly goods were packed into a neat checked carrier bag 他的所有家当都装在一个干净的方格图案手提袋里。
He stooped to pick up the carrier bag of groceries 他俯下身去提装着食品杂货的购物袋。
The mail carrier put the letters into a large bag and took the bag to a post office in New York. 信差把邮筒里的信件放进了一个大袋子里,把它们带回了纽约邮局。
He has spent three nights camped in the tree and some residents have been sending food and drink up using a rope and carrier bag. 他已经在树上蜗居了三天,附近居民则通过绳子和手提袋给他送食物和饮料。
Oh, and if you see a pink carrier bag with a luminous green handle, that'll be mine. 哦,如果你看到一个粉红色的手提箱,有鲜绿色的手柄,那就是我的。
It turns out they weren't in the bike pannier at all, but in a carrier bag in my spare room, where I found six months after supposedly losing them. 结果表明,在我认为它们已经丢失六个月以后,他们并不在我的自行车挂筐里而是在我空置房间的一个手提袋里。
It also reflected on its carrier bag usage. 它还反映其承运人袋使用。
"This woman walked in with the bottle in an old carrier bag and said she thought it might be worth money, and the more I looked into it the more exciting it became," Thomas said. 「这位女士以旧手提袋装酒,走进来说,她想这瓶酒或许值钱,而我愈是细究这瓶酒就变得愈是兴奋,」汤玛斯说。
She gave over her money and picked up her carrier bag. 她给了钱并拿起她的购物袋。
In Margiela boutiques, instead of a glossy carrier bag, purchases are taken away in white canvas sacks, and the staff in the design studios wear white coats that resemble lab coats. 在马杰拉精品店,顾客最后拿走的不是光亮的手提袋,而是白色帆布袋;设计工作室的员工穿着类似实验室工作服的白大褂。
To conserve resources please reuse this carrier bag. 为了保护资源,请重复使用该购物袋。
This item is the plastic carrier bag. 这个物件就是塑料包装袋。